Hinkle Productions was started by brothers Matt and Josh Hinkle. Their interest in photography and film began by watching and learning from their father Mark Hinkle. Mark Hinkle is a Sport's Illustrated award winning photographer known for his timeless style.
Matt Hinkle
Matt has always lived an active lifestyle which led him to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a professional firefighter. Matt is a Senior Advanced Instructor at the Mississippi State Fire Academy and also owns and operates Box Alarm Training which produces firefighter training videos. His YouTube channel has received over 2.5 million views and his experiences with social media management and marketing brought him to commercial film making. Matt has experience working with many commercial clients and has even created content for international product manufacturers.
Josh Hinkle
Upon graduating from the University of Mississippi with a degree in Integrated Marketing Communications, Josh is now working with several teams including working in technology at Jackson Academy, and working as a contracted Technical Director for ESPN. Josh has experience in many areas of live sports broadcasting including: Technical Director, Replay Operator, Camera Operator and Graphics Operator. Josh is also a talented GlideCam and Gimbal operator which creates dramatic cinematic movements for many of the films produced by Hinkle Productions.
Richard Stafford
Matt and Josh met Richard through their work with live sport's broadcasting. Richard is the owner of Richard Stafford Photography and spends a great deal of time producing films with Hinkle Productions. Richard has many creative talents which show not only through his photography but also his graphic designs.